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Reviews of Current Avalanche Transceivers

These transceivers are currently available. You can also see reviews of discontinued avalanche transceivers.


Pros: Easy to use, good display, good audio, mitten-friendly.

Cons: Nothing significant.

Barryvox 2

Pros: Easy to use, good display, good audio, mitten-friendly.

Cons: Nothing significant.

Barryvox S

Pros: Exceptional display, audio, and direction arrow. Toggles to analog. Feature-rich.

Cons: Pricey. Defaults to non-standard guided search.

Barryvox S2

Pros: Superb display, audio, and direction arrow. Toggles to analog. Feature-rich.

Cons: Pricey. Defaults to non-standard guided search.


Pros: Great user interface, graphic display, and physical controls.

Cons: Shorter reception range and inconsistent spike handling.

Diract Voice

Pros: Great user interface, graphic display, and physical controls.

Cons: Shorter reception range and inconsistent spike handling.


Pros: Easy to use.

Cons: Shorter reception range, bulky.


Pros: Small and light, simple interface, intuitive screen.

Cons: Reports "false alarms", fixed auto-revert, issues with off/send/search switch, not updatable.

Neo BT Pro

Pros: Easy to use, mitten-friendly, analog option, Bluetooth.

Cons: May report "false alarms".


Pros: Great range, simple controls, easy updates, excellent perpendicular reception range.

Cons: Nothing significant.


Pros: Great range, great display, exceptional scan mode.

Cons: Expensive. Lame analog mode.


Pros: Great range, good scan mode, simple controls, easy updates, excellent perpendicular reception range.

Cons: More expensive. Lame analog mode.

Tracker S

Pros: Small. Inexpensive. Great scan mode.

Cons: Not updatable, smaller two-digit display, no motion sensor, shorter perpendicular reception range, can mark only one transmitter and only for one minute.


Pros: Small. Great scan mode.

Cons: Two-digit display, shorter perpendicular reception range, can mark only one transmitter and only for one minute.


Pros: Small. Great scan mode.

Cons: Two-digit display, shorter perpendicular reception range, can mark only one transmitter and only for one minute.

Found 15 transceiver reviews.

Reviews of Other Avalanche Gizmos



Pros: Unique option to suppressing a transceiver during a multiple burial.

Cons: Suppresses only Pieps transceivers, more electronics.