You should perform a basic "function test" every time you head into avalanche terrain (learn how at This page provides general guidelines
on a more thorough test of your avalanche transceiver. Obviously the most thorough test
is to return your transceiver to the manufacturer for testing, but the tests on this
page will discover most problems. The information on this page was originally written
by Jeff Lane and Jonathan Shefftz.
Test #1—Test the reception range with the antennas aligned
Switch a second transceiver on transmit and place it on the ground with the housing's
long axis pointing directly at the searcher.
Starting approximately 200 feet from the transmitting beacon:
- Switch your transceiver to receive (aka Search).
- Point your transceiver directly at the transmitting beacon.
- Walk toward the transmitting beacon.
- Note the distance when your transceiver receives a signal.
- Switch your transceiver back to transmit and repeat the above steps a few times.
Results: The average distance when your transceiver receives a signal
should be similar to other
transceivers of the same make
and model
plus-or-minus about five meters. Anything less than 30 meters is definitely
unacceptable. (
Read the details about how we test reception
Repeat Test #1, but this time hold your transceiver so it is perpendicular to
the transmitter (i.e., so the antennas are in "worst case" alignment).
Results: The average reception range should be at least 50% of the
distance measured in Test #1. (In the case of the Pieps DSPs, it might even be longer.)
Test #3—Test the transmission range
Repeat Test #1, but this time use your transceiver as the transmitting beacon
and a second transceiver as the receiver.
Results: As with Test #1, the average distance when the receiving
beacon receives a signal should be similar to other
of the same make and model
plus-or-minus about five meters. Anything less than 30
meters is definitely unacceptable.
Test #4—Test the directional indicator
- Stand approximately 30 feet from the transmitter and switch your beacon to receive.
Point your beacon at the transmitting beacon. The direction arrow on your beacon
should point straight ahead (toward the transmitting beacon).
Slowly rotate your transceiver 45-degrees to the left and then 45-degrees to
the right. Your beacon's
should continue to point at the transmitting beacon.
Results: During this test the direction indicator should point at
the transmitting beacon within about two beeps.
Test #5—Test spike handling
You can see if your transceiver handles spikes using this informal spike test.
Test #6—Test the transmission frequency
Testing the transmission frequency is less necessary
on digital transceivers, but worth doing if you can. Poor performance in Test #3 may
indicate an incorrect transmission frequency, but a beacon can pass Test #3 yet be transmitting
outside specifications.
Refer to the comparison table
to see which transceivers can test other beacons. (You can read about the DSPs testers here.) Many of the individual transceiver reviews explain how to activate the "test"
or "group check" mode.
Test #7—Physically inspect the transceiver
- Inspect the harness for loose stitching or broken buckles.
Inspect the casing for
damage or cracks.
- Inspect the beacon's display for function and damage.
- Inspect the buttons and switches for function.
- Inspect the battery compartment and terminals for any corrosion. Make sure the
batteries fit snugly.
With your transceiver set to receive, give it a good shake. It should continue
to receive without resetting (which can happen if the batteries or internal connections
are loose).
Test the functionality of all buttons and switches. Do they do what they're
supposed to do (power on, off, search, send, mark, etc)?
If the beacon is set to automatically
to transmit
after a specified number of minutes, does it? If the beacon is supposed
to revert only if motionless, does the motion sensor work?