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Updating the BCA Tracker3 Avalanche Transceiver

BCA Tracker3

The Tracker3 can be updated from a PC (not a Mac) using a Mini-B USB cable and the " Tracker Software Updater" software. The software leaves a lot to be desired (i.e., cryptic messages, a separate installation to install drivers, etc), but it works.

(As of the Fall of 2020, the Updater only supports the Tracker3. It could be downloaded from this Google Drive.)

The T3 Utility Software will also perform a self test and generate a self-test report.

To determine which version of software is in your Tracker3:

  1. Turn your Tracker3 off.
  2. Hold the Options button pressed.
  3. Turn on the unit.
  4. Release the button when "T3" is displayed.
  5. An unusual-looking "r" will be displayed followed by the version number (without a decimal point).
Version Enhancements

Fall 2020

(Tracker3+ only)

BCA refers to newer Tracker3 transceivers as "Tracker3+." The Tracker3+ is identical to the Tracker3, except it has circuit board hardware from new suppliers. The Tracker3+ uses different firmware (version 6.4) to support the different hardware.

Early 2016

(Still the current Tracker3 version as of Fall 2020.)

Version 3.3 of the Tracker3 software:

  • Improved signal suppression for better performance at greater range.
  • Buffered the "big picture" mode to make it easier to see and interpret the distance and direction indicators.
  • Changed the sounds from the current "Super Mario" tones so they are more like the Tracker2.
  • Added the ability to run diagnostic tests and generate a report based on the tests.

Fall 2014

In version 2.3, you can press the Option button to display the remaining battery percentage while in transmit mode.

January 2014

Initial release of the Tracker3.