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Updating the BCA Tracker2 Avalanche Transceiver

BCA Tracker4

The Tracker2 software can be updated. (Learn about updating other transceivers.) The update is done using an infrared interface.

The ability to update your beacon is important, because it allows you to get enhancements and new features without purchasing a new avalanche transceiver. Unfortunately, you'll need to send your Tracker2 to the manufacturer to update it.

To determine which version of software is in your Tracker2:

  1. Remove one battery.
  2. Turn on the unit.
  3. Reinstall the battery.

The screen will display T2, r, the revision number, and the battery percentage. For example, the following indicate that this is a Tracker2, using software revision 03, and the batteries are charged to 99%.

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The cost to update a Tracker2 is $20. This can be done by shipping your transceiver to BCA or by contacting one of BCA's location representatives. Contact BCA for the details.

Version Enhancements


  • This update fixes the " 12-hour quirk" where it might be difficult to locate a Tracker2 that has been transmitting for more than 12 hours. Unfortunately, since the Tracker2 isn't user updatable, you will need to ship your Tracker2 to a service center to update the software. Learn more about this update on BCA's website.


  • This update prevents the Tracker2 from entering reprogramming mode if there is a brief interruption in the power supply. Along with the new software, you will also receive a new front with anti-static material and stiffer action on the return-to-transmit tab. You can read BCA's announcement about the upgrade and the subsequent announcement saying the upgrade wasn't as important as originally thought.


  • Slightly improved range at cold temperatures.
  • Wider "window" for the directional lights (immediately to left and right of center).
  • Improved distance calibration.
  • Less "tr" flashing at startup.